Author Archives: cooper_admin

How to Join Wednesday’s Meeting

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Hi Everyone, The City has posted the agenda and agenda packet for the virtual HPC meeting this coming Wednesday November 10, 2010 at 4:30pm. The image above has the information for the WebEx meeting but you can also use the link below to access the meeting information and download documents to review. Sincerely, The…

Updated Application Information

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Hi Everyone, Thank you for your continued participation in this project. In August the Historic Preservation Commission continued the public hearing to November 10th.  We have spent the past month redesigning the project to address remarks about mass and scale related to the third story, and to provide more information on the proposed relocation of…

How to Join Wednesday’s Meeting

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Hi Everyone, The City has posted the agenda and agenda packet for the HPC meeting this coming Wednesday August 25th, 2021. The image above has the information for the WebEx meeting but you can also use the link below to access the meeting information and download documents to review. Sincerely, The 1020 East Cooper Project…

Hearing Scheduled for August 25th

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To our Neighbors, Thank you for your continued interest in this project. The hearing that was continued on June 9th has been scheduled for August 25th, 2021. We will post additional meeting information as we get closer to the date. Sincerely, The 1020 East Cooper Project Team

Continuation of Public Hearing

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Thank you for your interest in the 1020 East Cooper Project.  We plan to request a continuation of the public hearing at HPC on June 9th to a date certain (we will post the date once received from the City). After careful consideration and consultation with our legal team, we think it is in everyone’s…

Updated Application Information

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Hi Everyone, Thank you for your continued participation on this project. In April, City Council overturned the Historic Preservation Commission’s denial of the 1020 project and remanded the Conceptual Review back to the HPC for reconsideration on June 9th at 4:30. The project team has resubmitted the application – please find the updated documents in…

Record for Appeal Now Available

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Hi Everyone, The City of Aspen has shared the record for the upcoming project appeal on April 19th – and we have linked it below for your review. Sincerely, The 1020 East Cooper Project Team

Appeal Time

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Hi All, The City of Aspen has informed our team that the project appeal in front of City Council on April 19th will be at 4pm. We will post more information once it is available on the City of Aspen website. Sincerely, The 1020 East Cooper Project Team

Updated Appeal Date

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Hi Everyone, The City of Aspen has changed the appeal date from April 13th to April 19th – we do not have a confirmed time, but will update you once we have more details to share. Sincerely, The 1020 East Cooper Project Team

Appeal of HPC’s Decision

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Thank you for your participation and interest in the 1020 project.  We are disappointed in the outcome of the HPC hearing and have filed an appeal of the HPC decision which will be heard by City Council.   The Project’s appeal application has been accepted by the City and is available to view through the tab…

Meeting Information for Tonight’s Hearing

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Hi Everyone, The agenda and packet for the HPC meeting tonight. and information on how to join the meeting. can be found in the link below: If you have any issues please don’t hesitate to reach out, we’d be happy to assist you. Sincerely, The 1020 East Cooper Project Team

Updated FAQ, Application, and Drawings

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Hi Everyone, We have been continually working on the proposal and have refined the proposed calculations and measurements.  An updated application and exhibits are on the website in advance of the HPC hearing on February 17, 2021.  We expect the City’s website to be updated before the weekend with meeting information. Sincerely, The 1020 East…

HPC Hearing Rescheduled

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Hi Everyone, We have been notified by City staff that the hearing for the 1020 East Cooper Project has been rescheduled to the 17th of February at 4:30 PM. The City Clerks are updating the website to reflect these scheduling changes and we expect meeting information to be available on the HPC webpage shortly. Please…

Renderings Now Available

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Hi Everyone, As discussed in the neighborhood meeting yesterday, the renderings are now available to view. Please reach out with any questions you may have. We will post the HPC meeting information early next week which will include a link to the agenda and meeting. Sincerely, The 1020 East Cooper Project Team

Updated Application and FAQ Now Available to View

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To our Neighbors, The updated application and FAQ documents are now available to view. Our team will be walking through the proposed changes to the project at this week’s neighborhood meeting. Please join us this Thursday February 4th 2021 @ 1pm. If you have any questions, issues accessing the documents, or trouble registering for the…

Join Us to Review the Updated Application

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To our Neighbors, Thank you for your continued interest in this project. Our team has been working to update the application in anticipation of the next hearing on Wednesday, February 10th at 4:30pm. We invite you to join us to review these changes next week. Thursday February 4th 2021 @ 1pm Sincerely,The 1020 East Cooper…

Updated FAQ and Response to Staff Memo

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To our neighbors and community members, In response to the staff memo dated January 13, 2021, we have submitted a revised cover letter altering the west elevation of the landmark to remove the two proposed storage units. An illustration and site plan reflecting these changes are also included in the team’s response to staff. We have…

How to Join Wednesday’s Meeting

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Hi Everyone, The City has posted the agenda and agenda packet for the HPC meeting this Wednesday. The image above has the information for the WebEx meeting but you can also use the link below to access the meeting information and download documents to review. If you have any issues please don’t hesitate to…

Application Update

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To our Neighbors, Thank you for your continued interest in this project. An updated application is now available for you to view. Please reach out to our team with any questions you might have or if you need any assistance accessing the updated application. Sincerely, The 1020 East Cooper Project Team